Enrich your company culture and enhance overall employee wellness at work with Dr. Daniela Steyn's signature "5x effect" online retreat.

In just 5 minutes a day for 5 days, your teams will benefit from simple, strategic steps they can practically implement into their work days. This 5-day online course can be customized to suit your organizational needs and has been well-received across professional industries.
Of managers notice symptoms of burnout within their teams.
Burnt-out workers will take a sick day 63% more often than motivated ones.
$1 trillion
Is lost globally due to corporate burnout each year.
A prolonged response to long-term emotional and interpersonal stressors at work leading to:
Increased absenteeism.
Higher employee turnover rates.
Decreased morale and productivity.
Burnout will lead to your employees feeling out of sync with their professional lives when they are:
· Trying to manage dysfunctional workplace dynamics
· Feeling overworked, underappreciated, and unrewarded
· Lacking control (or feeling like they lack control) over their job and how they do it
· Experiencing a disconnect with the company’s values
Happier, healthier employees are more engaged employees.
A corporate wellness program can:

Teach your employees to handle the stress of their work and their personal lives.
Reduce burnout that leads absenteeism, job-hopping and a decrease in productivity.
Encourage healthy habits among your employees, lowering healthcare costs.
More than 60% of employees believe they make better lifestyle choices thanks to their company’s wellness program.
Why not invest in the future of your business
with a proven burnout prevention program
that everyone will love?
Increased productivity. Studies show that significant health risk reductions can be seen in just six months. This means happy, healthy employees that are focused, energized and ready to bring their best to the table every day.
Decreased absenteeism. Burnt-out employees end up taking 15 extra days off a year compared to those that are not.
Improved financial stability and growth. Data shows that a well-designed and well-executed corporate wellness program can achieve a Return Of Investment (ROI) of $1.50 to $3 for every dollar spent.

Recover from Burnout
A 12-week self-guided online course designed to transform your employees' lives from surviving to thriving.
Inside the course, we offer ten modules that will guide your employees to recover from and prevent burnout completely. Our online platform will give them access to support while tracking and sharing their progress with colleagues.

Corporate Wellness
Monthly online workshops presented by Dr. Daniela Steyn will enable your team to discover easy ways to deal with and manage corporate and personal stress.
With eight topics to choose from (e.g. “Sleep for Success,” “Mindful Meditation,” “Exercise for Energy,” and more), every aspect of burnout will be covered.

The Wellness MD Solution
Combine our signature online course with eight monthly online workshops and nutritional guidance for a complete transformation in your company’s dynamic in less than a year.
Included are workbooks, optimal nutrition guides and recipes that everyone will be able to implement and love.
Our programs are designed with the success of your company in mind.
We want to see your employees (and bottom line) soar!
Designed by medical experts. You will benefit from an online course, workshops and nutrition guides designed by Dr. Daniela Steyn, Certified Nutritionists and Health Coaches, to ensure proven results.
Easy to manage. Every aspect of our wellness programs is designed not to consume more precious time, leading to more stress and burnout. Instead, we offer engaging, easily absorbable content and workshops with burnout recovery and prevention in mind.
Fit for everyone. No matter where your employees are in life (completely burned out, just surviving or happy as can be), we have you covered. Our programs are not just easy to manage but encourage accountability. Your employees will benefit not just professionally but also personally, ensuring retention while increasing morale. Everyone benefits!
Fit for every budget. Our wellness programs offer something for every budget. So, no matter how small or big your budget is, we would love to see your team climb mountains together and can make that happen for you.

Dr. Daniela Steyn,
M.D, Founder & CEO.
Dr. Daniela Steyn is a practicing Family Physician, Hospital Medicine Doctor, Associate Professor, speaker, educator, Team Canada triathlete and health advocate. Her mission is to tackle the rising chronic disease crisis through life-changing, personalized holistic medicine.
I went through burnout very early on in my career. Long hours at the hospital with little room for recovery led me to believe that I had to quit Medicine to be happy again.
Fortunately, being a mom to three beautiful children, I realized that quitting wasn't an option but that I desperately needed help. I did not only need help for my well-being, physical health and mental health, but I also needed to recover from burnout to be a good mom, a good wife, and a good doctor.
I had a hard time finding the help I needed. I called all the helplines and hotlines dedicated to physicians, and at that stage, ten years ago, I felt they were equipped to help people with depression, but not necessarily with burnout.
Thankfully, I found the help that I needed, and I have since made it my mission to help other individuals who struggle
with burnout regain joy in their careers.
Let’s work together to build a dynamic and productive team that will be proud to be associated with your company and will want to give you their best always.
Don't wait any longer!
15 Days per employee are lost every year due to burnout.
Let us help you reduce and prevent corporate burnout
with a Wellness Plan designed for success!
Dr. Daniela Steyn has been a featured speaker at local women's events in Oakville and presents to Physician groups across the world virtually. She is a sought-out podcast guest and hosts the health and wellness talkshow featuring experts from across the wellness industry.